Seeing Your Personalization Vision

An important early step in developing your personalization strategy is articulating, communicating, and committing to a vision. I’m not talking about a mission-statement kind of vision, or a string of wonderful words that make everyone feel good. I’m talking about having a clear idea of what the personalized experience will be like for your customers,Continue reading “Seeing Your Personalization Vision”

Personalized, Streamlined, Agile Customer Experience

I believe that delivering a personalized customer experience is a competitive imperative. The people who might consume your products and services are willing to expend only a limited dose of their time and attention on the tasks of selecting, acquiring, using and maintaining what they consume. If those tasks can be simply and efficiently performed,Continue reading “Personalized, Streamlined, Agile Customer Experience”

Agile, Engaging Customer Experience: Who’s Catching the Frisbee?

Is your customer experience agile, or inflexible? Even with constant vigilance, companies create customer experiences that are harder than they need to be. Instead of creating an agile customer experience that leaps and turns in response to customer context, actions and desire, a rigid customer experience demands agility from customers who leap and twist toContinue reading “Agile, Engaging Customer Experience: Who’s Catching the Frisbee?”


Targeted marketing adapts a company’s messaging to what marketers believe to be the needs of what they imagine to be a group of customers. Typically, the marketing team identifies segments of the population that are important to the company, and sketches personas that represent each segment. Marketing then makes its best guess as to theContinue reading “AGILITY TRICK #3: TARGETING PLUS PERSONALIZATION”


When companies adapt their customer experience to best serve the individual customer, using recommendation systems, behavioral targeting or other methods, this is what I call personalization. Face to face with the customer, this may take the form of recognizing the person, acknowledging the type and duration of the relationship, bypassing steps in the business pro-cess,Continue reading “AGILITY TRICK #1: PERSONALIZATION”


For retailers, the chief business goals for your web sites are likely revenue, margin, and acquiring and retaining customers. Customers’ goals vary from visit to visit. The most common goals are as follows: • Research what’s on offer to satisfy my need • Compare and consider alternatives • Buy • Realize the benefits of theContinue reading “RETAIL BEST PRACTICE: ALIGN CUSTOMER AND BUSINESS GOALS”


I see trends in three broad categories of agile customer experience tricks companies use to be responsive to customers’ desires: • Personalization, which adapts the relationship to the customer, adjusting the dialog between the business and the customer to streamline the customer experience • Customization, which adapts the product or service to the customer’s specificContinue reading “3 AGILITY SECRETS YOUR COMPETITORS KNOW ABOUT PERSONALIZED BUSINESS”

Best Practice: Establish Merchandising Strategy to Meet Business and Customers’ Goals

In an earlier post, we listed three best practices for Targeted Merchandising. This post presents the three principles you will use to apply the Merchandising Strategy best practice. Your business goals should be reflected in every decision you make about your site. Your customers’ goals should be considered in every decision you make. These aren’tContinue reading “Best Practice: Establish Merchandising Strategy to Meet Business and Customers’ Goals”